Mashin Sentai Kiramager - Episode Zero

The Crystalia Kingdom is a land of beautiful jewels ruled by King Oradin. However, with the guidance of Oradin's younger brother, the Demonic General of Betrayal Galza, the Dark Corps Yodon, led by the Mask of Darkness Carantula, invaded the country, crushing the king and destroying the country.

The surviving Princess Mabushina of Crystalia, along with Crystalia's secret treasures, the KiramaStones, relied on Oradin's friend, Muryou Hakataminami, and headed to Earth where the next Yodon Army would invade. Hakataminami, a supervisor of CARAT, developed the Kiramagers' transformation item, the KiramaChangers, in preparation for Yodon's invasion of the Earth.

However, despite the fact that it was a real holograph set up by Hakataminami, despite the first match, the 4 Kiramagers gained in courage during the battle. On the other hand, Juru Atuta , who goes to the same high school than them, and feels the incredible Kiramental feeling from the Red KiramaStone, was voted to be the class representant and the leader of the Kiramagers.

Password: zekozimo

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Status:  Tested