Kamen Rider Agito Hyper Battle DVD Kamen Rider Agito Three Great Rider English Subbed

Telepi, the Televi-Kun mascot, is in a bit of a pinch as three Unknowns (Anguis Femineus, Skelos Falx, and Hydrozoa Ignio) have invaded his world. In order to protect himself, he needs to find a strong bodyguard and fast.

So, in order to find one, he decides to bring the three Riders from Kamen Rider Agito to his world. All of a sudden Shouichi, Makoto and Ashihara appear and are puzzled.

Telepi explains the situation and states that nobody is leaving until he decides who wins the title of the "Ultimate Rider". Ashihara flat out refuses and attempts to escape while Shouichi and Makoto are trapped.

Password: zekozimo

Status:  Tested